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What Happens If You Die Without an Estate Plan?

Man putting hand on gravestone

Dying without a proper estate plan can be a nightmare for your loved ones. It can leave them with a lot of confusion and legal battles. It's essential to plan for the future and ensure that your assets and property are distributed as per your wishes. Keep reading to learn what can happen if you die without an estate plan and why it's important to start considering one today. 

1. The Court Decides Who Gets Your Assets

If you die without an estate plan, the court decides who gets your assets. The laws of your state will determine who gets what, and it may not be who you want. The process can be lengthy, expensive, and frustrating for your loved ones.

2. Your Children May End Up with a Guardian You Wouldn't Have Chosen

If you have minor children, dying without an estate plan can mean that a court decides who will become their guardian. Without your guidance, the court may choose someone you wouldn't have selected.

3. Taxes Could Eat Away at Your Assets

Dying without an estate plan can also mean that your assets are subject to estate taxes, which can significantly reduce what your loved ones receive. Proper planning can help minimize these taxes and ensure that your assets go to the people you care about.

4. Your Business May Be In Jeopardy

If you own a business, dying without an estate plan can put it in jeopardy. Your loved ones may not have the knowledge or expertise to run it, and it may have to be sold or liquidated.

5. Your Digital Assets May Be Lost Forever

In today's digital age, it's essential to plan for your digital assets. Without an estate plan, your loved ones may not be able to access your online accounts, including social media, email, and financial accounts.

Start Thinking About Your Estate Plan Today]

Dying without an estate plan can cause a lot of stress and confusion for your loved ones. It's essential to plan for your future and ensure that your assets are distributed as per your wishes. Contact Adler Law Firm, PLLC, to learn more about the estate planning process and discover how our skilled estate planning attorneys can help you protect your assets and your loved ones' future.

Call Adler Law now at (516) 740-1184 or request a consultation online
