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Understanding Why Estate Planning is Different for Women

Woman looking into estate planning while on her laptop

Adults should have a rudimentary estate plan to protect their loved ones and ensure their wishes are met after death or incapacitation. However, as the team at Adler Law explains, women should take additional considerations when formulating these plans.

Average Life Span Consideration

Women need to be prepared for the potential of managing their estate alone, as they are likely to outlive their spouses. In fact, worldwide, it's estimated that women live an average of five years longer than men.

Thinking ahead and putting an estate plan in place can alleviate potential financial burdens associated with the death of a partner, ensuring that necessary assets are not lost or misused. Furthermore, guardianship arrangements for any minor children should be established so there is no risk that minors will be left alone or taken advantage of if the primary caregiver passes away.

The Importance of Educating Yourself About Your Finances, No Matter Your Gender

Educating yourself about your financial situation is important for your long-term security and peace of mind, regardless of gender. A firm knowledge of your current financial situation will help you make informed decisions about estate planning and other long-term decisions involving your finances. While the specifics may differ based on factors such as gender, the overall process and fundamentals remain the same: educate yourself on how to protect your future wealth best.

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Let Adler Law Assist With Your Estate Planning Needs and Questions

At Adler Law, we specialize in making estate planning accessible and easy to understand for everyone. We provide personalized solutions catered to each client's unique situation.

With more than 50 years of combined expertise and extensive knowledge of legal matters, Adler Law will create and protect the value of your estate while ensuring that all of your wishes are respected. Our process is straightforward and stress-free – no matter what stage of life or circumstance you face. Contact us today so we can start working with you. (516) 740-1184